Category Archives :Product Introduction

What Make the TD112 Watch Pager Different?

What makes the TD112 watch pager different? It has a magnet charging method. IPX7 is waterproof and you can pair it with both keypad and call buttons. Good staff paging system.  ...

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Retekess Anniversary Promotion in 2023

Retekess anniversary promotion started from July 12 to Aug 17, it is the biggest promotion in one whole year. The wireless guest paging system and tour guide system also have a promotion.  ...

Read more  anniversary promotion ,  2022 retekess promotion ,  Best price with the anniversary promotion

Retekess TD154 Staff Calling System

Retekess TD154 wireless staff paging system consists of the keypad and watch receiver. For the keypad, you can rename is as the chef's name. One watch receiver support work with 50 keypads. Besides, each watch receiver can rename one waiter's name.  ...

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Why Choose Retekess TD112 Watch Receiver

Retekess TD112 waterproof watch receiver is the new arrival, which is the waterproof one, and there are other reasons that make the TD112 stand out from Retekess watch receivers.  ...

Read more  waterproof watch receiver ,  Retekess IPx7 waterproof receiver ,  Watch Pager Staff Paging System

New Arrival TD175 Restaurant Pager

TD175 restaurant pager is a new arrival model. It is a black color, with a 7 notice model, and the notice time is adjustable. Every business can afford it.  ...

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Characteristics of TD157 Wireless Guest Paging System

TD157 wireless guest paging system is very helpful for Covid-19, the working distance is great, and easy to operate, cost-effective.  ...

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The Introduction of Pager System and Push for Service

Pager system and Push for service are used in catering, factories, medical institutions, home care, hotels, etc.  ...

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Difference Between TD157 and TD175 Wireless Paging System

What is the difference between TD157 and TD175 wireless paging systems? We list some main features, such as prompt way, prompt time and calling record. If you need the paging system, pls check the more details.  ...

Read more  Wireless Paging System ,  wireless guest paging sysyem ,  paging system for restaurant

Features of the TD124 Wireless Calling System Display Receiver

TD124 wireless calling system can improve the efficiency of the waiter and improve the service quality of the restaurant.  ...

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Good Features of Retekess TD175 and TD175P Restaurant Buzzer System

Good features of TD175 and TD175P restaurant buzzer system, such as changing the prompt way of the keypad, and promoting time. It is necessary for some customers. If you need the TD175, pls feel free to email us.  ...

Read more  Restaurant Buzzer System ,  restaurant paging system ,  guest pager system for restaurant