Category Archives :Product Introduction

Top 3 Reasons to Choose TD185 Table Locator

The 3 top good features make the TD185 table locator system different from another brand. Such as the easy to operate, long stand-by time pagers, and Infrared sensing technology. There are other good features, if you want to know more, pls email us at  ...

Read more  table tracker ,  Wireless table locator system ,  table locator

Retekess Portable FM Transmitter Tour Guide

Retekess FT11 FM transmitter can use as the tour guide due to the long working range, high quality of sound, and ease to use and operation. If you want to get one FM tour fuide system for your business, pls email us at  ...

Read more  FM transmitter ,  broadcast FM transmitter ,  Retekess FT11 FM transmitter

Retekess TD185 Table Location System FAQ.

TD185 Table Location System is a new product on the shelf, the functions and working mode are very different from the traditional pager system. The answers to frequently asked questions are provided.  ...

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How to set the prompt way of TD173 guest paging system

Retekess TD173 guest paging system has 10 types of prompt ways, you can change the keypad or pagers based on your needs. It can meet the different applications, such as in the quiet price or noise place. Email us at to get more details  ...

Read more  wireless guest paging system ,  guest pager system for restaurant ,  T112 GUEST PAGING SYSTEM

Advantage Feature of TD173 Guest Pager System

The advantage feature of the TD173 guest pager system, the setting is very easy, just do with the keypad. No need to change from the pager.  ...

Read more  guest pager system ,  restaurant pager system ,  restaurant paging system

Cost-effective Paging System - Retekess TD173

The Retekess TD173 Service Paging System is a cost-effective paging system for a wide range of scenarios and needs, and is worth your attention because it compares favorably with current hot products.  ...

Read more  Cost-effective ,  Paging System

What is the Difference Between TD173 and T112

Retekess TD173 guest paging system has some good features, such as prompt time touch keypad, setting way, and so on. Retekess T112 also have the good features, such as the long range. You can choose it based on your business.  ...

Read more  wireless guest paging system ,  guest paging system ,  paging system for restaurant

Top 3 Features of TA005 TV Headphones

Retekess wireless TV Headphones for Seniors and the Hearing Impaired: Make sure you can hear clear, clear TV sound anytime, anywhere. With this setting, you will need to turn up the TV's volume to a level that others may find uncomfortable.  ...

Read more  wireless TV Headphones ,  wireless headphones for TV ,  TV Headphones for Elderly

Specially Designed Charging Cases for Tour Guide Systems

Here you will find detailed information about all types of charging cases for tour guide system from Retekess currently on the shelves. you can choose one or more of the most suitable charging cases for your tour guide system. It will help you to charge and store your tour guide system easily and quickly.  ...

Read more  charging case ,  specially design for tour guide system

Why Choose TA005 TV Headset System

The TA005 TV headset has stereo sound quality, and no delay in the received audio and images, bringing you a cinema viewing experience.  ...

Read more  TV Headset ,  Wireless Headphone For TV ,  TV Listening Headphones ,  Comfortable TV headphones ,  TV Headphones for Seniors