Category Archives :FAQ

How Does the Retekess Service Call System Work?

The Retekess Service Call System consists of two main components: the signal transmitter and the signal receiver. The signal transmitter includes keypads and buttons that are used to transmit call signals. Customers can simply press a button to call for assistance, making it easy for businesses to respond promptly to their needs.  ...

Read more  service call system ,  customer service button ,  table service call button ,  retekess service call system

Retekess Pager System FAQ

The Retekess pager system operates seamlessly by utilizing a transmitter, pagers, and a charging base. The transmitter sends signals to the pagers, alerting customers when their table is ready or their order is complete. The pagers vibrate or light up to notify customers, allowing them to move freely while they wait. Once customers are ready, they return the pagers to the charging base, which resets them for the next customer.  ...

Read more  retekess pager ,  retekess pager system

Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System FAQ

Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System FAQ include how to set pager ID/how to pair/how to add extra pager,how to use the computer software to set up the paging system,how to One-key Call and Cancel Alphanumeric Pager System,how to set out-of-range reminder,how to Send Messages Quickly.  ...

Read more  Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System ,  Paging System FAQ ,  long distance paging system

Retekess TD165 Wireless Calling System FAQ

Retekess TD165 Wireless Calling System FAQ include how to pair/how to set pager ID/how to add extra pager,how to change the reminder mode,how to turn on and off the pager  ...

Read more  Retekess TD165 Wireless Calling System ,  Pager System FAQ

RetekessTD162 Restaurant Pager Buzzers System FAQ

RetekessTD162 Restaurant Pager Buzzers System FAQ,include how to pair/how to set pager ID/how to add extra pager,how to change the reminder mode,how to set the reminder duration,how to turn off all pagers with one key  ...

Read more  RetekessTD162 Restaurant Pager Buzzers System

Retekess TD164 Wireless Long Range Paging System FAQ

Retekess TD164 Wireless Long Range Paging System FAQ include how to pair/how to set pager ID/how to add extra pager,how to change the reminder mode,how to turn off all pagers with one key  ...

Read more  Retekess TD164 Wireless Long Range Paging System FAQ

TD157 Wireless Restaurant Rager System FAQ

TD157 Wireless Restaurant Paging System FAQ includes:How to set the number of the pager, change the reminder mode, how to call all the pagers at the same time, whether two sets of pagers can be used at the same time, etc.  ...

Read more  TD157 ,  Wireless Restaurant Paging System ,  Wireless Service Pager System

FAQ for Retekess TA003 TA004 Silent Disco Headphones

TA003 and TA004 are the new arrivals of Retekess in 2021. How to use it? Here is the FAQ for Silent Disco Headphones.  ...

Read more  Silent Disco Headphones ,  Transmitter and receiver headset ,  FAQ

Retekess TD185 Table Location System FAQ.

TD185 Table Location System is a new product on the shelf, the functions and working mode are very different from the traditional pager system. The answers to frequently asked questions are provided.  ...

Read more  table location system

T-AC03 T-AC04 Access Control Keypad FAQ

You may have some questions while using Retekess access control system, you could find solutions for some questions on the keypad through the article.  ...

Read more  Retekess access control system ,  Retekess keypad ,  access keypad ,  Retekess T-AC03 ,  Retekess T-AC04