Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System FAQ

Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System FAQ

Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System FAQ

We sorted out some problems that you often encounter in the process of using Retekess TD166 Alphanumeric Pager Long Range Paging System and gave the operation method, so that you can use the TD166 paging system more easily.

1. How to set pager ID/how to pair/how to add extra pager?

First enter setup mode
Press “SETUP” button, ENTER PASSWORD? Shows on the display
Type the password (2580 is the master password)
Press “ENTER” button to enter the setting mode

After entering the setting mode, “1.AlertMode Time” shows on the display. Press “#” button, “2. Pager Number” shows on the display. Press “ENTER” button to enter the sub-menu. Type the desired number through keypad (Do not set 1249, 991 and 0000). Press “ENTER” button, “>>>>XXXX<<<<” flashes on the display, at this time, the infrared transceiver point flashes. Place the pager about 10cm above the infrared transceiver point, the pager makes "didi" sound, the setting is succeed. (Please wait for about 5s to do this if the pager has just been removed from the charging base). Press "CANCEL" button to exit
You can also refer to the video below

2. How to use the computer software to set up the paging system?

You can refer to the video below

3. How to One-key Call and Cancel Alphanumeric Pager System?

You can refer to the video below

4. How to set out-of-range reminder?

After entering the setting mode, "1. AlertMode Time" shows on the display. Press "#" button five times, "6. Out Of Range" shows on the display. Press "ENTER" button to enter the sub-menu. Type the desired value through keypad, the value could be set as 00, or from 03 to 30 minutes (00 means the out of range function is off). Press “ENTER” button, “>>>>XX<<<<” flashes on the display, at this time, the infrared transceiver point flashes. Place the pager about 10cm above the infrared transceiver point, the pager makes “didi” sound, the setting is succeed. (Please wait for about 5s to do this if the pager has just been removed from the charging base). Or press “CANCEL” button after step G, the setting can be activated after setting the Pager Number.

5. How to Send Messages Quickly?

You can refer to the video in the link below

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