Tag Archives :audio guide system

Exploring the Museum Magic with Retekess TT128 Self-Guided Tour Equipment

The Retekess TT128 and TT128B audio guide systems offer a revolutionary museum experience with 41 languages, 16GB storage, and 40-hour standby. These self-guided tour devices, with Bluetooth capabilities, provide personalized, immersive audio tours, enhancing visitor engagement and reducing museum operational costs.  ...

Read more  museum self-guided tour system ,  tour guide audio system ,  audio guide system ,  retekess tt128 ,  retekess tt128B

What is the Difference Between TT105 And TT109

Retekess TT109 is our new arrival tour guide system, it looks similar with the TT105. In this article, i will list the different between the 2 types tour guide equipment. You can make your choice which type to buy.  ...

Read more  tour guide system ,  Retekess TT109 ,  AUDIO GUIDE SYSTEM ,  transmitter and receiver

AUX Function of Whisper Listening Device

With the AUX input of the whisper system transmitter, the presenter can easily switch between playing audio from their microphone and external devices, providing a more dynamic and engaging experience for visitors.  ...

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Can you hear me when traveling?

Tourist hear from the tour guide is very important, with good communication, they will have the very good experience about traveling. Specially at this moment, it can keep distance and safe, feel free to email us at support@retekess.com  ...

Read more  audio guide system ,  tour guide system ,  audio transmitter and receiver

Why Hajj and Umrah Need a Whisper Listening Device

The whisper listening device can clearly transmit the voice of the pilgrimage team leader to the team members.  ...

Read more  whisper listening device ,  tour guide communication system ,  wireless audio guide system