Tag Archives :audio guide system

Use audio equipment for safe and reliable communication

During pandemic period, the safety of communication is really important. So the audio guide system is very necessary. We have one way any two way tour guide system, so feel free to contact us to get for you communication. Email us at support@retekess.com  ...

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Why Choose Retekess Audio Guides For Self-guided Tours

Retekess TT128 audio guide system is a comprehensive solution to improve the operational efficiency and visitor experience of museums, attractions, and exhibition halls. It can help your venue stand out from the competition and attract more visitors!  ...

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Enhancing On-site Experiences with Wireless Self-Guided Audio Tour Devices

The Retekess TT128 self-guided audio tour device offers museums and exhibition halls a flexible, engaging way for visitors to explore exhibits at their own pace. With multilingual support, clear audio, and a user-friendly design, it enhances the experience while being cost-effective and easy to maintain with a 28-port charging case.  ...

Read more  museum audio tour devices ,  self-service audio tour device ,  self-guided audio guide system ,  retekess tt128

Break Language Barriers Effortlessly with Wireless Interpreting System

The wireless interpreting system ensures seamless multilingual communication in business, church, academic, and international school settings, fostering inclusivity and engagement through real-time, wireless audio translation.  ...

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The Battery Types of Retekess Tour Guide Systems

Retekess Tour Guide System have two type battery support, build-in rechargeable battery and normal battery, so you can choose the type you need.  ...

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Retekess TT116 Tour Guide Solution with High Cost Performance

Retekess TT116 tour guide solution offers high-performance features at an affordable price. Whether you're leading a tour, organizing a conference, or embarking on a spiritual journey like Hajj, it delivers superior sound quality to suit your needs.  ...

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What is the Difference Between T130S Tour Guide Radios and T130

T130S tour guide radio is an updated version, it has both Mic and an aux jack. And mute function on the transmitter. Many updated functions, you should have a try.  ...

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Tour Guide Systems For Wireless Communications

Retekess tour guide systems for wireless communications have many functions and are also used in industries such as conferences, churches, etc.  ...

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Take you to Understand Tour Audio Systems Importance

Retekess tour audio systems are used in multiple industries such as tourism, church, international conferences, media, factory visits, etc  ...

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When and Where are the Retekess Tour Guide Systems used

Wireless Tour guide systems are used when a normal conversation between a presenter and their audience is difficult. Whether speaking to a large guiding group outdoors in a noisy tourist attraction or not wanting to disturb other people in the same environment as museums and places of religious worship.  ...

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