
What earpieces can you use for Retekess Tour guide receivers?

TT103 is a two ears headphone, it is quite well for use to the receivers. You can choose it according to your needs.If any request, feel free to email us at Visit us:  ...

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Using Tour Guide System in Noisy Environments-Retekess TT109

Where we can use the wireless tour guide system for? Travel guide,Conference, Simultaneous Interpretation, Factory Tour, Teaching and Training  ...

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How do Retekess TD159 Paging System help Health Care Center and Hospital?

Retekess TD159 will help you save a lot of time. Improve the working efficiency. It has the screen, you can set 10 messages in advance. If any questions, feel free to email us at Visit:  ...

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What is the Difference Between TT105 And TT109

Retekess TT109 is our new arrival tour guide system, it looks similar with the TT105. In this article, i will list the different between the 2 types tour guide equipment. You can make your choice which type to buy.  ...

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How to change the number of Retekess TD159

Retekess TD159 wireless paging system is the smart paging system, you can send a message on the keypad transmitter or from your computer. But let's check more details about it. First, I write the details about how to change the number of the pager.  ...

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Which model is the simplest operate tour guide system of Retekess?

Retekess TT109 is a one way communication tour guide system. The operation is very simple. Please check this blog to review. If any questions, feel free to email us Visit:  ...

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Neck Hanging One-way Tour Guide System for Hajj

Retekess TT109 tour guide system is the best one-way Tour Guide System for Hajj. It is free to use in the world. You can hang on your neck and free your hands.  ...

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Why Choose Retekess TD159 Guest Paging System?

Retekess TD159 Wireless pager system has a screen with 10 pagers It supports 1999 pagers in all. So you can add more if you need. The default frequency is 433.92MHz The keyboard can directly enter numbers and English letters, send a text to the menu and support multi-window calls. You can set 10 default text messages, and choose to send default messages directly through the number key 0-9. Custom reminder mode: any combination of flashing lights / buzzing/vibrating  ...

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Do you have a problem with managing truck drivers in your warehouse?

Retekess TD159 is a wireless calling system for truck drivers, food plaza etc. areas. Pager has the screen, you can send message to the pager. It is perfect for warehouse and other place have multiple window business. Long rang up to 1000-1500 meters. If you want to know more, feel free to email us at Visit us  ...

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How to increase the range of Retekess Calling System?

You could use the TD021 signal amplifier to increase the range of Retekess service calling system and guest paging system. And the detail settings of the repeater  ...

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