Daily Archives:January 11,2020

How to change the number of Retekess TD159

Retekess TD159 wireless paging system is the smart paging system, you can send a message on the keypad transmitter or from your computer. But let's check more details about it. First, I write the details about how to change the number of the pager.  ...

Read more  retekess TD159 ,  Wireless smart call paging system ,  guest paging system with screen ,  words support paging system ,  large screen paging system

Which model is the simplest operate tour guide system of Retekess?

Retekess TT109 is a one way communication tour guide system. The operation is very simple. Please check this blog to review. If any questions, feel free to email us support@retekess.com. Visit: www.retekess.com  ...

Read more  most simple operate tour guide system ,  long range tour guide system ,  best tour guide transmitter and receiver