
How to Use The Password in Retekess TD108 Wireless Smartwatch Receiver

Retekess TD108 wireless watch receiver supports password function. When the password is turned on, it can effectively avoid the situation of deleting the paired button due to operating errors. Improve the safety of use and work efficiency.  ...

Read more  password of TD108 watch receiver

How Does Retekess Service Calling System Fuction in Nightclub

Retekess service calling system can make the order easier in the nightclub. It not only shortens the order time and brings better experience to customers, but also improves efficiency and reduces employment costs. Come and get the Retekess TD009 waterproof call button and TD106 wireless wristwatch for your business!  ...

Read more  service calling system in nightclub ,  waterproof call button ,  wristwatch receiver ,  order in bar