Service Calling System Help Restaurants Provide Best Service

Service Calling System Help Restaurants Provide Best Service

Service Calling System Help Restaurants Provide Best Service

Nowadays, eating out has become a new way of socializing. Gather with friends in your free time, or dine with your family on a regular basis. This not only enables people to taste delicious food and enhance their feelings. The elegant and unique dining environment and the ultimate dining experience will also become fond memories. So how can restaurants provide considerate and comfortable service to diners? Retekess wireless service calling system will provide you with the perfect solution.

What is a Wireless Service Call System?

A wireless waiter call system is an easy-to-use system that restaurants can use. The system consists of a call button and various receivers, such as watch receivers, display receivers. Different receivers have different display and sound settings, so each restaurant can set it to their liking.

How does the service call system work?

As mentioned earlier, a wireless attendant call system consists of a call button and various receivers. A call button will be placed on the dining table, and when the customer presses the call button, the receiver will be alerted. The receiver will display the table number of the call and the content of the call, such as service, checkout, etc.
When the waiter receives the reminder, he can quickly come to the customer and provide service to the customer.
Attendants can wear watch receivers that allow the attendant to respond even while on the move. The watch receiver will beep and vibrate to alert the waiter that the table needs help. Alternatively, monitor receivers can be placed around the kitchen area, and waiters can use the screen to see which table's customers need assistance.

Improve employee efficiency 
Equip your waiter with watch receivers, which is very popular nowadays. And install a wireless call button in the kitchen for a wireless service calling system. In this way, the staff in the kitchen and the staff who provide services to customers in the lobby can establish a fast contact channel. When the customer's dishes are ready, the waiter wearing the watch can be quickly notified to deliver the dishes. It makes the employees in different areas cooperate more tacitly. Improve work efficiency.

Retekess Long range call button for kitchen in restaurants.

Improve customer satisfaction

Dissatisfied customers with service is probably the last thing a restaurateur wants. Install wireless call buttons on tables where customers eat. When a customer needs service, the waiter can immediately receive the customer's request and respond to the customer in a timely manner. Customers can experience the feeling of being cared for and cared for, and can dine with more peace of mind. A complete wireless service call system will be able to retain more customers, while a great dining experience will increase the chances of them recommending your restaurant to those around them. Only in this way can more guests come to dine.

Increase profit

The help of the service calling system will help increase the overall profit of the restaurant. It not only helps employees improve efficiency but also gives them time to recommend more dishes to customers. A smoother and faster service process will also shorten the customer's mealtime and increase table turnover. These behaviors all mean that your restaurant will get higher profits.

If you want to know about service call system, please click here to see more products.
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