Tag Archives :travel

Happy Travel Season, Enjoy Discounts

To celebrate the exciting travel season, our website has an incredible range of promotions. Whether you are a new customer or an old customer, you have the opportunity to get our discount of up to 25%, and old customers can also get exclusive discounts  ...

Read more  travel season deals ,  tour guide system ,  wireless calling system

Why do you need Retekess Tour Guide System for your Travel Agent?

Tour guide system plays an important role in tourism industries like walking tours, boat tours, bus tours, museums, castles, farm tours, choral tour, etc.  ...

Read more  tour guide system ,  audio guide system ,  walking tours ,  trourism ,  museums ,  travel agent

The Role of TWS Bluetooth Hearing Aids in Hiking

Traveling is a good way to relax. For people with mild to moderate hearing loss, affordable TWS hearing aids are equipped with simple operation, long battery life, noise reduction and waterproof, with a stylish appearance, providing you with accurate hearing tests and supporting fine-tuning.  ...

Read more  hearing loss ,  travel ,  self-fitting hearing aids ,  otc hearing aids ,  Bluetooth hearing aids ,  rechargeable hearing aids

Why Choose TT110 Tour Guide System?

TT110 tour guide system is the new arrival of Retekess. Fashion design is more popular among people. Let's check the good features for the TT110 tour guide system, if you want to know more, pls send a message to support@retekess.com.  ...

Read more  tour guide system ,  guided tour deviced ,  travel guide system