Tag Archives :hearing care

Meniere's Disease: An Inner-Ear Storm That Affects Hearing Health

Meniere's disease damages the patient's hearing health and physical and mental health. Prevention and treatment of Meniere's disease starts with hearing protection, rest, and diet control.Self-fitting otc hearing aids can relieve tinnitus caused by Meniere's disease. Affordable Bluetooth hearing aids can improve the life troubles caused by tinnitus to a certain extent.  ...

Read more  hearing loss ,  hearing health ,  Meniere's disease ,  hearing care ,  otc hearing aids ,  bluetooth hearing aids

Improve Hearing, Start From the Dining Table

As we age, the likelihood of hearing loss increases. In the face of hearing loss, let's learn how we can improve or prevent it through diet, and what foods are helpful for our hearing health. For these foods, how do we plan our recipes and how to cook them? Reasonable exercise and sleep, and choosing the right hearing aids are also very important.  ...

Read more  hearing loss ,  eating healthy ,  otc hearing aids ,  professional hearing aids ,  affordable hearing aids ,  hearing care

How Hearing Aids Improve Tinnitus

Tinnitus caused by hearing impairment and hearing loss can be relieved by wearing hearing aids. Through masking effect, sound enrichment effect, neuroplasticity, and psychological effects, the symptoms of tinnitus can be improved and the troubles of tinnitus on life can be reduced.  ...

Read more  tinnitus ,  hearing aids ,  tinnitus treatment ,  tinnitus improvement ,  masking effect ,  hearing loss ,  hearing care

What You Need to Know Before Buying Hearing Aids

In the face of hearing loss, healthy diet, reasonable exercise, and wearing hearing aids are recommended. However, in the process of wearing hearing aids, some common problems will be encountered. In the face of these common problems, the wearer can take different countermeasures for different problems.  ...

Read more  otc hearing aids ,  professional hearing aids ,  hearing loss ,  hearing health ,  hearing care ,  bluetooth hearing aids ,  affordable otc hearing aids