Tag Archives :FM transmitter for drive in movie

What can you do with the TR510 FM transmitter?

What can you use with the TR510 FM transmitter? It can be used for drive-in church, drive-in movies, translation, Christmas shows. Do you have any better idea about how to use the TR510 FM transmitter? Feel free to email us at support@retekess.com.  ...

Read more  FM transmitter for church ,  FM broadcast transmitter ,  FM transmitter for drive in movie

Do you want to use the FM broadcast transmitter with your car?

Recently, people have to keep social distance, so a FM transmitter is a must. People use it for drive in service. But Many people may want to use it outside, then you can use the car charge to connect with the car battery. If any, feel free to email us at support@retekess.com  ...

Read more  FM transmitter for car ,  FM transmitter for drive in service ,  FM transmitter for drive in movie