What retekess calling device do you need for ski-area?

What retekess calling device do you need for ski-area?

What retekess calling device do you need for ski-area?

Recently, many area of the world are becoming cold, so ski time is coming. So it is a busy season for ski, how do the staff in ski-area have better efficiency, and serve the customer more well?

For queue, we have the TD103 and TD156 guest paging system, they have long range, use FM modulation and very durable.Especially TD156 guest paging system, it can reach 800 meters and IP67 wterproof. It have a rubber around the pager, so it will protect the pager well.

Many other areas for queue are using Retekess guest paging system, that is wonderful for staff and customer, it will save a lot times of staff, and customers don’t need to wait on line, they can wait in the area of the range.

Especially in the pandemic period, people can stay away to keep social distance. So it is also a wonderful product for ski area.

In addition, we have the window speaker for ticket window. You don’t need to yell to customer as more. With the ticket window, customer can hear clear and you can hear from the customer clear as well.

Recently, we have the new model TW105 and TW106 window speaker. You can use it for ticket selling.

With the queue calling system and window speaker system, it will improve both customers and staff satisfaction. And it will improve the effeciency of your business.

If any questions, feel free to email us at support@retekess.com.

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