From Causes to Improvements, Solve the Mystery of "Buzzing" in the Ears

From Causes to Improvements, Solve the Mystery of "Buzzing" in the Ears

From Causes to Improvements, Solve the Mystery of "Buzzing" in the Ears

The causes of tinnitus are complicated. It is not caused by a single factor, but the result of multiple causes. It can be roughly divided into the following types:

1.Sensorineural tinnitus:

It is the most common type, accounting for about 90% of tinnitus patients. This type of tinnitus is usually caused by damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve, such as:

Hearing loss: Noise exposure, infection, drug poisoning, aging and other factors lead to hearing loss, thus causing tinnitus.

Cochlear lesions: Cochlear diseases such as Meniere's disease and otosclerosis can cause fluid accumulation in the cochlea or abnormal bone growth, causing tinnitus.

Auditory nerve damage: Tumors, trauma, inflammation and other factors can cause damage to the auditory nerve and cause tinnitus.

2. Conduction tinnitus:

This type of tinnitus is usually caused by middle ear lesions, such as:

Otitis media: Middle ear infection can cause middle ear effusion, affecting sound transmission and causing tinnitus.

Tympanic membrane perforation: Trauma or infection can cause tympanic membrane perforation, which can also affect sound transmission and cause tinnitus.

Earwax blockage: Excessive earwax blocks the ear canal, which can also affect sound transmission and cause tinnitus.

3. Physical tinnitus:

This type of tinnitus does not come from the ear itself, but is caused by other factors, such as:

Vascular tinnitus: Abnormalities in the carotid artery or vein, such as vascular stenosis or hemangioma, can produce sounds similar to tinnitus.

Muscle spasm: Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, neck muscle tension, etc. can all cause sounds similar to tinnitus.

Side effects of medication: Some medications, such as antibiotics, aspirin, etc., may cause tinnitus as a side effect.

4. Psychological tinnitus:

This type of tinnitus is related to the patient's psychological state, which may be:

Anxiety, depression: Excessive psychological pressure and emotional instability can easily lead to tinnitus.

Lack of sleep: Long-term lack of sleep can cause overexcitement of the brain and cause tinnitus.

Fatigue, overwork: Long-term work or study can cause brain fatigue and cause tinnitus.

5. Other causes:

Some other diseases, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, etc., may also cause tinnitus.

For the causes of tinnitus, we can take different improvement measures:

1. Treat the primary disease:

If tinnitus is caused by other diseases, such as otitis media, hearing loss, etc., it is necessary to treat it in time to control the primary disease and relieve tinnitus.

2. Reduce noise exposure:

Noise is the main cause of hearing loss and may also aggravate tinnitus. Try to avoid long-term exposure to noisy environments and wear earplugs or earmuffs to protect your ears.

3. Adjust your lifestyle:

Quitting smoking, controlling blood pressure and blood sugar, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can all improve blood circulation, promote the health of the cochlea, and reduce tinnitus.

4. Improve your mental state:

Negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, and stress can aggravate tinnitus, so you need to relieve psychological stress and improve your emotional state through psychological counseling and relaxation training.

5. Drug treatment:

For some patients with severe and unbearable tinnitus symptoms, doctors may recommend taking some drugs to relieve tinnitus, such as:

Antianxiety drugs: relieve anxiety and reduce the degree of tinnitus.

Vasodilators: improve blood circulation and reduce vascular tinnitus.

Antibiotics: treat infections such as otitis media and relieve tinnitus.

Antihistamines: relieve allergic tinnitus.

6. Sound therapy:

Use specific sounds to cover up the sound of tinnitus, so that patients no longer pay attention to tinnitus, thereby alleviating the trouble caused by tinnitus.

7. Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Help patients change their cognition and behavior about tinnitus, such as:

Cognitive reconstruction: Help patients change their negative views on tinnitus and reduce anxiety and fear.

Relaxation training: Learn relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, to relieve stress and anxiety.

Habituation training: Gradually increase the time of exposure to the tinnitus environment to help patients adapt to tinnitus and reduce its impact.

8.Hearing aids:

For tinnitus caused by hearing loss, you can wear otc hearing aids to improve your hearing and thus reduce tinnitus. Improve your quality of life with professional otc hearing aids.

9. Surgical treatment:

For some special tinnitus, such as tinnitus caused by hemangioma, surgical treatment may be required.

Conclusion: Tinnitus is not a terminal illness, actively respond to it and regain tranquility

Although tinnitus is a disturbing phenomenon, it is not a terminal illness.Actively seek medical help, cooperate with the doctor's advice, and take appropriate improvement measures to effectively relieve tinnitus symptoms and regain a peaceful world.

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