Is the Retekess TR505 Able to Broadcast to Cars?

Is the Retekess TR505 Able to Broadcast to Cars?

Is the Retekess TR505 Able to Broadcast to Cars?

What can we do in the COVID-19 virus time? Just stay at home do nothing or do something special?

What can we do and communicate if we don't gather together? 

Retekess will supply the best solution for you in this serious situation.

TR505 can be used for professional broadcasting, museums, tourist attractions, zoos & theme parks,

cruise ships & buses, schools, meetings & lectures, employee & dealers training, hotels and resorts, educational institutions, theaters, governmental agencies.

Let's check the spec FIRST:

  • Audio distortion 0.3%

  • Antenna connector type TNC

  • Input Voltage 100 ~ 240V 50 / 60Hz

  • Output Power DC 12V 5A 

  • Frequency range: 88 ~ 108 MHz

  • Frequency step: 100Khz

  • Frequency response: 50Hz ~ 15000Hz

  • Antenna connector type: TNC

  • 200 x 150 x 58mm size, 950g weight FM transmitter

You can set the frequency from 88-108MHz, and then set the receiver the same as the FM transmitter, it will receive the broadcast within the working range in the cars. 

You can open the radio in your car to listen to the music or speech to avoid meeting people face to face.

In this serious time, it is more important to protect ourselves and our families well.

  • Stay at home, reduce activity

  • Watch hands using the professional soap to clean the virus

  • Clean your room using the 75% alcohol

  • Reduce taking public transport, choose to walk 

  • Wear the masks when you have to go outside

 All around the world are facing the big challenge of the virus threatening our health, we need to try our best to stop it.

I believe, the victory of humans will be coming soon.

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