How to set power of TR508 FM transmitter for Drive-in Service?

How to set power of TR508 FM transmitter for Drive-in Service?

How to set power of TR508 FM transmitter for Drive-in Service?

Recently, because of the COVID-19, many people have to stay at home and keep distance if go outside. For churches, they need to prey every weekend! Therefore almost all the churches have the FM transmitter, for the new TR508 FM transmitter for drive in service, even it is simple to operate. It may still have problem about operating.

Are you concern about how to set the power of TR508 Fm transmitter? it has two levels, 0.1W and 0.5W.

Step 1: Press and hold the power button, then plug in the power jack.

 FM transmitter for drive in service

  1. Then release the power key, after 3 seconds, it will show the “H”or “L”, “H” means high, “L” means Low, you can press up and down key to change it. After set, you can press power key to confirm.

TR508 free license Fm transmitter

That is the way about how to set power of TR508 Fm transmitter.

For this transmitter, it can reach 400-500 meters in the open are, so it can almost fit all the church drive in and small drive-in movie. You can use it to connect the phone or pc to play audio. You can connect the mic to talk, the mic jack is 3.5MM. You can adjust both volume. The mic volume and audio volume. It is quite convenient for using. In addition, it is small size and you can take it out easily. It has the big antenna, so the signal will be good enough. In addition, if you want a free license radio and want to use the antenna outside, the TR502 FM transmitter antenna is working. You can contact us if you need.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at Thank you for your support.


Comment user

Milnor Park Board

We are trying to find pricing on a FM transmitter for a small drive on movie. We also need a projector that would work for a 24 foot screen. Can you advise? We are a small park and have a budget for about $3000 for both the transmitter and project. Do you sell this or know who we could contact?

Comment author


Hello, thanks for your comment. The TR508 fm transmitter will work well for your purpose use. Our sales team will contact you with the detail. Best Regards.

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