Category Archives :Guest Paging System

Updated Version of TD161 Guest Paging System

We update the TD161 guest paging system with the holder and change the color to black to meet more customers' needs. If you need the system for your restaurants, pls contact us.  ...

Read more  guest paging system ,  retekess paging system with holder ,  Wireless guest paging system with stander

Wireless Buzzer System to Improve Customer Service at Your Cafe

Improve customer service and communication in cafes with Retekess wireless buzzer system to increase revenue and reduce costs  ...

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What is the difference between TD166 and TD159 Long Range Paging System?

What is the different between TD166 and TD159 long range paging system. The most are the range and TD166 can call all the pagers in different numbers at once.  ...

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Why Does Church Nursery Need Wireless Pager Systems?

Retekess offers church nursery pager systems to silently call parents immediately and do not disturb church services.  ...

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Why Choose TD166 Truck Driver Paging System?

Why choose the TD166 truck driver paging system? Pre-set 10 messages with 10 numbers. It will help you save staff and costs.  ...

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We Wish You a Wonderful Christmas

2023 is coming, Retekess wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. 2022 is hard for many people, but in the coming of 2023, if you want to do a new business, pls feel free to contact us.  ...

Read more  merry christmas ,  happy holiday ,  New year 2023

Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Paging System

Factors you should consider when choosing a paging system for restaurants and food truck. Distance, quantity, charging and warranty.  ...

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Warehouse Paging System TD166 Alphanumeric Pager

TD166 Alphanumeric Pager is a new warehouse paging system. Which is with long distance and support 9999 pagers. It is a good product for warehouse, logistics and factory.  ...

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Wireless Pager System Save Your Charging Outlets in Food Truck

Retekess food truck TD164 long-range pager system with 1 charging adaptor and save more charging outlets space for food truck.  ...

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