Tag Archives :TR507 FM transmitter

Where Can I Get TR507 FM Transmitter?

Retekess made TR507 FM transmitter in May, once it is in the market, the high quality and cost-effective price make it booming. It is widely used in drive-in movie, drive-in church, and drive-in funeral.  ...

Read more  TR507 FM transmitter ,  drive-in movie FM transmitter ,  drive-in church FM transmitter

What is the Difference Between TR507 and TR510?

You can use FM in many areas, it is very popular since 2020.3, the sales for TR501, TR502, TR507, and TR508 are increasing. Most of the models are out of stock, this year, we update the TR507 and make one TR510 to meet the needs.  ...

Read more  Retekess TR507 FM transmitter ,  drive-in situation ,  FM broadcast transmitter