How to Use Wireless Paging System for Supermarket?

How to Use Wireless Paging System for Supermarket?

How to Use Wireless Paging System for Supermarket?

Do you worry about the people touch at this moment. Because the COVID-19 is spreading all over the world now. Even we need to stay at home and self-quarantine. But we all need food to eat. We all need the daily good to live. How can supermarket keep people safe when they go to the supermarket.

Then, we need to keep less people in one time, so we need ask people come in in order. How can you do this efficiently. You can use the Retekess wireless paging system. Retekess have many models guest paging system. But I can recommend you 2 modes.

T119 wireless calling system support 998 pagers in total and it can reach 800 meters in open area.

TD156 wireless paging system support 9998 pagers in total. It can reach 1000 meters in open area. So you don’t need to worry about the quantity is not enough later if you need more pagers. When the customers come, you can give them a pager, so they don’t need to wait at the gate. So there won’t be many people stay in one place at the same time. When it is their order to come in. You can press the transmitter and they will get the notice, so they can go shopping. Get the goods for family.

In this way, it is better for both supermarket and customers. Customers don’t need to stay together. That will be reduce the possibility of infect the virus. And also this can reduce staff, less people can organize this situation.   

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