How to Use Table Service Calling System to Keep Social Distancing

How to Use Table Service Calling System to Keep Social Distancing

How to Use Table Service Calling System to Keep Social Distancing

There are more and more businesses like hotels, restaurants, pubs, and hairdressers reopened though the pandemic continues. Keep staff and customers as safe as possible is a major matter for every company.

It is the usual way for customers to place orders at the front or assigning a single staff member per table. However, we have to change our process to avoid close contact with others to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Table Service Calling System is a great tool to keep social distancing. What’s the table service calling system and how to use it?

A service calling system is a new way to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction in the service industry. And the functional main purpose of the Table Service Calling System range is to reduce and limit the direct contact between the staff and the customers while providing the same required service or assistance.

The Table Service Calling System includes Wireless Push Call Buttons for customers to press to request help, Wrist Watch Receivers for staff to receive the call information from customers, Display Receiver for staff at the bar to check the call information. You could choose only the watch receiver or display receiver or both of them according to your own business.

You just need to pair each call button with the watch receiver or display receiver with a specific table number. Then attach the call button to the table with the double-sided tape. Or you could just choose the table call button like TD001, they are easier to put on the table and remove it when needed.

The most important thing is that all the items that are included in the system could be disinfected by disinfectant or alcohol.

Retekess Waiting Calling System with reliable signal and long communication range. Contact us at to request the quotation of the items according to your actual needs for now.

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